Who I Am

Hello! Welcome to my exciting and fascinating world of events!

Want to know who I am? I’m Romina, a specialist in creating experiences that dazzle and transform people. I define myself as an event “firefighter” (yes, you read that right), always prepared to put out any live fire (of which there are many) and turn each challenge into an unforgettable victory for the client.

As an Event Manager or Producer , I skillfully navigate the setbacks and unforeseen events that arise without warning in this stressful and crazy world of events. Being multitasking is a must in my toolbox.

With more than a decade dedicated entirely to event production and organization , as well as tourism , I have spent more time organizing and doing events than some superheroes do in saving the world.

Every event is an adventure for me, and there is no challenge that I cannot conquer with my vocation, passion and enthusiasm!

I’ve accumulated more ‘thanks’ than a Santa Claus at Christmas, handled more incidents than an action hero in a Hollywood movie, and had so many experiences that I could write a bestseller (or maybe organize a themed event about it!).

If you are looking for someone passionate and committed to help you transform your events into unique experiences… You are in the right place!

Are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure with your Superfreelancer ? Together, we will make your event and/or project come to fruition successfully thanks to my superpowers . You dare?

Here you can spy on my work life and discover who I am and all my professional superpowers!

Ready for the magic of an experienced Freelance Event Manager to make your events and projects easier and more organized?

Tell me! In what area do you need me to deploy my superpowers?

Do you need assistance
for your groups?

Do you need coordination and supervision for your projects?

Do you need to put your professional life in order?

Do you dare to reveal your needs and tell me what you need?

I am here, with my superpowers, ready to transform your ideas into reality.
Come on, we’re just a click away!

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